Author Name: 1. Mr. Libin Babu 2. Mrs. Reena Raju

Volume/Issue: 02/02

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://www.doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-94818129/UIJIR


  1. Assistant Professor,Era University,Lucknow,U.P, India
  2. Assistant Professor,Era University,Lucknow,U.P, India


A descriptive research approach was used to assess the level of stress among elderly at selected geriatric homes Bangalore, with a view to develop an Information Booklet. Attribute Variable: Elderly people who are residing in geriatric homes Dependent Variable is Stress level of elderly people. Demographic variables are Age, Gender, marital status, educational status, occupation, type of family etc. The sample size consisted of sixty elderly who are residing at selected geriatric homes, Bangalore that is Nava Jeevans old age home, Yelahanka ,Bangalore. by using Convenient sampling technique. The inclusion criteria include elderly people who are residing at selected old age homes, Bangalore. Exclusion criteria include Elderly people who are taking treatment for depression and any mental disorders. The instrument used for the study consisted of 2 sections; Section A: deals with the demographic variables of elderly people residing at selected geriatric homes, Bangalore. Section B: stress scale to assess the level of stress among old age people residing at selected geriatric homes. A blue print was prepared for the stress scale to assess the level of stress. Section 1: Baseline Performa: This section deals with the description of the baseline characteristics of the subjects, such as age, gender, education, marital status, area of native residence, length of stay in old age home, source of finance, religion, monthly income before institutionalization, and occupation before institutionalization. Section – II Assessment of level of stress It was measured using stress scale which consists of 40 items with the maximum score of 80.In view of the nature of the problem a structured interview schedule was prepared to assess the level of stress among elderly residing in geriatric home. The data was collected from Nava Jeevan old age home, yelehanka, Bangalore. Results are Majority of the participants 45(75%) are under Moderate Level of Stress, 10(16.7%) of them are in Low level of Stress, 5(8.3%) of them are in High level of Stress. There was significant association between stress level and selected demographic variables such as age (ᵡ2=17.13), gender (ᵡ2=9.23) , education (ᵡ2=15.23), and length of stay in old age home (ᵡ2=13.10). Overall findings have shown that elderly inmates were having a moderate level of stress.

Key words: Stress, elderly, old age home

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