Author Name: 1. Ms. Aarohi Fernandes, 2. Ashi Singh, 2. Manali Shah, 2.Pooja Brahmbhatt, 2. Kinjal Rohit, 3. Mr. Prashant Sharma
Volume/Issue: 04/08
Country: India
DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/01.2024-38792221/UIJIR
- Assistant Professor, Parul Institute of Nursing, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
- B.Sc. Nursing Students, Parul Institute of Nursing, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
- Assistant Professor, Parul Institute of Nursing, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
Background: Breastfeeding is the process in which human breast milk is given to a child. According to WHO the breastfeeding should be begin within 1 hour after birth. The exclusive breastfeeding should be given for 6 months. You shouldn't provide any outside food or drink to the newborn baby up to 6 months. While breastfeeding proper positioning of the baby is necessary such as supporting whole of baby's body, ensure baby's head, neck and back. Objective: The objective of the study is to assess the knowledge regarding breastfeeding positions among nursing mothers and find out the association between knowledge regarding breast feeding positions and selected demographic variables. Methodology: a descriptive study was conducted among 100 nursing mothers. Data was collected from Parul Sevasharm Hospital, Vadodara using sampling technique is Purposive Sampling Technique. (Descriptive and inferential statistics were used). Results: The research study shows that illustrates the distribution of knowledge regarding breastfeeding positions among nursing mothers revealed that majority 42% of nursing mothers had average knowledge, 32% had poor knowledge and 26% had good knowledge with obtained score range between 20(2-22), with median score of 12 and mean stress score was 12.04 with standard deviation 5.453. Conclusion: Breastfeeding positions are the most important practices among nursing mothers. It needs a big effort by nursing mothers to learn the proper technique and positions of breast feeding. From the above findings it was considered that almost all nursing mothers were not having adequate knowledge about breastfeeding and its position. It was found that this problem of nursing mothers was associated with demographic variables such as educational level. It was concluded that the knowledge regarding breastfeeding positions among nursing mothers revealed that the majority 42% of nursing mothers had average knowledge, 32% had poor knowledge and 26% had good knowledge.
Key words: Knowledge, Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Position, Nursing Mothers
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