Author Name: Dr. Bhawna Sharma

Volume: 01 &  Issue:

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


  1. Associate Professor, Amity Business School, Amity University Maharashtra, India


The recent rise in Social Media has drastically changed the marketing landscape. The time of traditional marketing, where marketers were pushing out messages toward consumers using only one-way communication, is over. In contrast with traditional media, Social Media has greatly changed relationships between consumers and companies by allowing two-way communication. With the introduction to a new marketing function so-called ‘Social Media Marketing’ has arisen. The marketing has hence evolved from a time when marketers had the power of influence to today where consumers have a greater power of influence on their peers. Social Media enable consumers to share contents and ideas together, write recommendations, reviews and opinions about the company and its performance and to tell, to a wider audience than before, about their experience. Consumers have access to a wide range of different Social Media types, platforms and tools, with different characteristics and possibilities which allow them to get connected and communicate together. Social Media has significantly impacted on how information’s are shared among groups of consumers. Word-of-mouth also plays a key role in Social Media. Word-of-mouth is well known in marketing for decades. But today, word-of-mouth appears even more important than before in the influence of consumers’ and their purchasing decision-making process. It is certainly true that Social Media can carry and spread word-of-mouth between millions of users, like none of the other channels have been able to do until now.

Key words: Digital Marketing, Customer Relationships, Social Media Marketing, consumers, audience.

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