Author Name: M. Rajalakshmi
Volume/Issue: 02/11
Country: India
DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:
M.A Graduate, G. Venkataswamy Naidu College, Kovilpatti, India
The Namesake written by Jhumpa Lahiri is a story about culture, race and heritage, and how these factors shape our attitudes and our lives in a changing society. The novel tells the story of the lives of Ashima and Ahsoka Ganguly and how they left the life in India that they knew and loved, living the American dream and giving themselves and their children a better life. The only son and last name is Gogol, he is constantly trying to find his identity in order to adapt to the expectations of his family and the expectations of American social environment. The latter states that adherence to the standard family model is the norm in North America. Gogol continues to fight to remain faithful to both worlds. Thus, the theme of the novel is personality. This becomes apparent when one looks at the cultural meanings and origins of the people, genders and names that determine the patriarchal family and destiny of life. The factors contributing to the emergence of the identity problem are evident not only in Indian culture, but can also be an obstacle to the many immigrants who come to the United States every year.
Key words: Identity, Namesake. Culture, Attitudes.
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