Author Name: Parveen Gahlawat

Volume/Issue: 02/10

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind, Haryana, India


Modern sport is all competition and competition in any field of life has serious psychological implications. No one, much less an athlete, can win or even except to win competition without preparing himself or herself mentally along with training body. Unfortunately “too many athletes and coaches still try to develop the human capacity for sport performance by physical conditioning” (Schilling, 1993), but ‘most scientists are now convinced that several physiological processes such as oxygen consumption, metabolism, energy mechanism etc., are directly related to man’s perceptual, cognitive, and psychological process, making athletic training for competition a psycho-physical affair’ (Kamlesh, 2007). It is now well-recognized that sport is much more than muscle training and capacity for oxygen consumption.

Key words: Sports, Performance, Competition, Psychological

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