Author Name: 1. Mranali Saxena

Volume/Issue: 04/04

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


  1. Assistant Professor, Dr. Anushka Vidhi Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur, India.


The spirit of any nation lies in its Constitution and alike, every nation the Constitution of India stands on its indispensable three pillars namely legislature, executive and judiciary. Owing to the need of the elevating world media has emerged as the fourth pillar of the democracy. We are not unaware of the potential media possess as its own tools and techniques inhibits the power to influence and manipulate not only the minds and opinions of layman but also engulfed within itself paramount institutions like Judiciary and Democracy. In this paper the authors have tried to deal with the functioning of judiciary and democracy with the severe influence of media on them and also tried to seek the answers as to what extent does the media has the liberty to dominate the decisions of these underpinning institutions. Firstly, the backbone of a nation is its Democracy which involves the major participation of its citizens and due to the ascendancy of media, the people brought freedom of communication into practice with all its pros and cons which is heading us towards the quagmire. Secondly, one of the vital institutions of our nation which is judiciary is now not confined to codified laws but take the precedents as the base while delivering some pivotal discernment which is majorly persuaded from the ideologies proffered by media. For ideal state the three institutions namely judiciary, media and democracy must work juxtapose to each other but on the contrary independently and in their own spheres. So, it can be said that media can only be accepted as a formidable means of expression but at no cost can obliterate the fundamental functioning of the judiciary as well as democracy. Finally, in conclusion the authors have tried to answer the above raised questions.

Key words: Media, Judiciary, Media trial, Legislation, Constitution, Executive, Freedom of Speech and Expression, Judgements, Rights

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