Author Name: Munir Babanmairam

Volume/Issue: 02/03

Country: Nigeria

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


Department of Business Administration, University of Jos, Nigeria


The service sector of the economy has increased globally in which the developed and developing economy of nations has witness the growth in many service industries and this has contributed a lot to their national economy. This increase is as a result of the growing demand customers/consumers of services in the society. Predictions have shown that jobs are gradually shrinking in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors while new jobs are created in the service industry. This paper extensively exhausts literatures on services, characteristics of services, consumers behaviour in services, differences between services product and physical product, evaluation of services and the service marketing mix. The paper recommends that, for service industries to achieve their goals and objectives constant training and retraining of employees should be carried out and that employee should be rewarded using monetary and non-monetary incentives as part of motivation on the job.

Key words: consumer behaviour, marketing, services, service sector.

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