Author Name: 1. Noorjahan Ismail Patel 2. DR. Abdul Latif

Volume/Issue: 04/05

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


  1. Research Scholar Nursing J.J.T.U. Rajasthan India.
  2. Research Guide JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan India.


Inadequate care during labor results in threats to the life of the mother and fetus. In order to prevent complications during labor and for a better outcome, it is essential to follow the simple and effective tool such as a Partograph, by the health care providers with an adequate knowledge and skill. Partograph represent graphical record of cervical dilation during labor. Design: Pre experimental one group pre test post test design was used to assess the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on Knowledge and Practice regarding Partograph. Convenient sampling techniques were used to select sample. Informed written consent was taken from each Staff Nurses. A structured questionnaire and checklist were used to assess the knowledge and practice. Result: The findings of the study revealed that pre test knowledge 70% had inadequate, 30% had moderate knowledge and pre test practice 65% had poor 35% had average practice regarding Partograph among staff nurse. Post test knowledge 67% had adequate knowledge, 33% had moderate knowledge and post test practice 78% good practice, 22% had average practice regarding Partograph among staff nurse. Knowledge was significantly associated with educational qualification 0.016 at significance of p<0.05 level. There is no association was found between knowledge and other demographic variables like age, total working experience, experience in maternity unit, work place and attended any in-service education on monitoring labor process. In practice, experience in maternity unit was significant 0.045 at p<0.05 level and attended any in-services education on monitoring labor was 0.021at p< 0.05 level. No association found between practice and other demographic variables like age, education qualification, total working experience, work place etc. Conclusion: Self instructional module will be effective in improving knowledge and practice regarding Partograph among staff nurses in recognized at Padma Bhushan Vasant Dada Patil Govt. Hospital, Sangli.

Key words: Labor, Physiologic Process, Complications, Partograph, Cervical Dilation

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