Author Name: Anusha Kommini

Volume/Issue: 03/06

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


Associate Professor,  Department of Nursing, One Beat College of Medical Sciences,  Bhira-Kheri, Lakhimpur, Uttar Pradesh ,India


A Descriptive study was undertaken to assess the knowledge and implementation of selected IMNCI guidelines among health assistants at selected Health Centers, RangaReddy District, Telangana.The conceptual framework was based on Ludwigs General system theory. The study was conducted at primary health centers of Saroornagar, Malkajgiri, Hyderabad. Questionnaire for knowledge assessment and observational checklist for implementation was prepared by the investigator according to IMNCI modules. Tool validity was done with the help of experts in the field of Medical, Nursing and Statistics. Reliability of the tool was tested by Karl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, and the ‘r’ value was 0.79. A pilot study was conducted on three subjects in Uppal PHC, Hyderabad. It was found that the tool was feasible, appropriate and practicable. Simple random technique was used to select 40 Subjects for main study;Data collected through questionnaire and checklist and identified the knowledge and implementation of health assistants on selected IMNCI guidelines. Analysis and interpretation was done with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. Relationship between knowledge and implementation was identified with the help of mean, standard deviation and r value. Association between knowledge and implementation with selected variables were identified with the help of chi-square test. Findings of the study shows that out of 40 health assistants 62.5% were having average knowledge, 27.5% were having above average knowledge and remaining 10% were having below average knowledge. Regarding Implementation 57.5% were at average level, 10% were at below average, 2.5% were at above average level. There is moderate positive correlation between knowledge and implementation as the mean value of the knowledge is 24.97, standard deviation value is 6.71, r value is 1 and mean value of the implementation 12.72, standard deviation is 2.88 and r value is 0.5. Findings of the study showed that there was a significant association between knowledge and demographic variables such as age, period of experience after training and also there was a significant association between implementation and demographic variables such as professional experience and period of experience after training.

Key words: IMNCI, Knowledge, implementation, Health Assistants

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