Author Name: Dr. Kanta Choudhary

Volume/Issue: 02/07

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India


The introduction of an unwanted pandemic has clutched the complete world, named Corona Virus or COVID-19. The impact of COVID-19 is so serious that the world health organisation has declared it as a pandemic. The outbreak of COVID-19 has unpredictable and unprecedented impact the economy throughout the world and India is not an exception to this. The full world has gone into Lockdown of several months. Even after the lock down the people are so scared to come back out and be involved within the economic activities like before, that it becoming very challenging rounds the world to be normal. For the initial weeks of COVID-19, it felt just like the end of the planet was indeed finally here. The whole market is decreasing in terms of sales and demands, Investment were falling down and every part of the world is suffering from infection & deaths soaring there perceived to be no end. In and of itself Marketing saw nearly budget cuts in every crisis. As we said that India isn't an exception to the present, it involved economic pressure and future consequences on Indian Industries, resulting the declining the economic stabilization. The Country wide lock down in several phases has created a pause within the demand and provides equation. This may provides a slowdown impact on economy. The current study has been undertaken with the object to seek out out the prevailing and potential impact of Covid-19 on different sectors of the Indian economy and various industries like manufacturing, Banking, real State etc. However there are certain aspects and areas which may be benefitted by this pandemic like adaptation of self dependent economy. This text also enlightens the same and can also to cater to survival strategies to beat such tough situation.

Key words: Economy, Industries, Economic Plans, Government Initiatives

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