Author Name: Sujit Maity

Volume/Issue: 02/01

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


Assistant Professor, Department of philosophy, Bajkul Milani Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal, India. 


In Indian civilization and tradition moksa is concerned with people’s spiritual and ethical life. It is conceivably the very importance concepts in man’s quest of happiness. Indian philosophy advised us the difference way by which we may attain our absolute goal (Moksa). Indian philosophy explains sorrows and sufferings in life to find a way by that the sorrows and sufferings can be fully overcome. Human existence is a history of endless effort to eliminate sorrow and reach happiness. It is the nature of human life. If anybody is wanted to know his own spirit, he must be free for all kinds of sorrow and sufferings. Indian philosophy advised us to become thoughtful which help us to attain highest goal (s’reya). It has been established that there is nothing in the world which can give us eternal pleasure except self-realization. Different schools of Indian philosophy have explained liberation from a different view point (except the Carvakas) and discuss a philosophical, spiritual and intellectual view of liberation. In Indian philosophy, philosophers have applied the moral or ethical and practical approach to resolve this issue of life and reality. The self recognized itself with body and undergoes different sufferings for lack of knowledge.

Key words: Sorrow, Sufferings, Ethical, Highest goal, self-realization

1 Comment

  • Prawdziwy z Ciebie talent i mistrz pióra. Z ogromną łatwością przekładasz myśli na słowa a słowa na zdania… trzymaj tak dalej, dbaj i pięlęgnuj swego bloga… Skąd czerpiesz tak ciekawe inspiracje ?

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