Author Name: 1. Louiella Mae M. Villa
Volume/Issue: 04/09
Country: Philippines
DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/03.2024-83263975/UIJIR
- Teacher 3, Longos Integrated School,
In Philippine education, the development of preschool reading is encouraged. Reading is a labor-intensive process that uses written language to convey meaning. To become a reader requires effort and practice, according to Wolf (2008). If we want to become engaged readers, we need to be motivated to read and appreciate the pleasure of reading. We need to cater to children's interests if we want to motivate them. It must be regarded as a social activity that may be enjoyed in groups. Readability, motivation, comprehension, and word recognition are all crucial elements of the intricate process of reading. A student is often driven to read more when they comprehend what they are reading. One of the many issues I faced as a classroom instructor was their reading performance. On the first day of class, I saw that several of them had trouble fully recognising simple syllables and characters. Some people have trouble reading. A small percentage of them can read words well, but they struggle to understand what they read. Even basic Filipino words are difficult for learners to read, and some of them have trouble understanding what they read. The purpose of this study is to gather evidence that the Marungko Approach is one of the strategies for improving students' poor reading performance. The Marungko Approach uses the current Filipino alphabet to help pupils become more proficient readers. Letters are organised according to their sounds rather than their conventional arrangement. For the pupils to better retain and absorb the letters, they are then introduced in songs and poetry that have been localised and contextualised. This research assessed how the Marungko Approach to Reading Instruction affected the kindergarten students at Longos Integrated School's reading performance.
Key words: Marunko Approach, Teaching, Kindergarten Learners
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