Author Name: 1. Engr. Zainab Fatima 2. Dr. Nayyar Hussain Mirjat 3. Engr. Shoaib Ahmed Khatri 4. Engr. Mustafa Memon

Volume/Issue: 03/04

Country: Pakistan

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


  1. Energy systems engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
  2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
  3. Department of Electrical Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
  4. Department of Electrical Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.


Pakistan is facing severe energy crises due to a significant increase in demand with increasing residents and development of the cities. With its crumbling economy it does not have enough resources to manage the import bill. Because of this energy resources deficit, it has failed to meet this growing demand of electricity in the country. This electricity shortfall is causing industries of the country to close their operations and move to other countries in the region. Renewable energy plays an important role in such an energy crisis by producing alternative energy that is greener and reduces the carbon footprint of the environment. The renewable energy sector i.e., solar, wind and hydropower is an active research area and there is a huge space for modern industrial units and commercial buildings to bridge the gap between electricity generation and energy demand in Pakistan. To void that gap, an on-grid solar system is proposed for a local textile mill in site area kotri, Pakistan. Solar photovoltaic (PV) potential 1 MW is proposed for the first phase and can be extended further. By installing solar system, the mill can save millions of rupees in bills to HESCO and play a role towards green environment by reducing green-house gases. This paper provides a cost-benefit feasibility analysis of the project and environment friendly effect of such projects on global warming.

Key words: Energy generation, photovoltaic, cost-benefit, feasibility, environment friendly

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