Author Name: 1Mr.Mottey Bright Kofi, 2Mr. Addo Prosper

Volume: 01 &  Issue:

Country: Ghana

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


1Master Of Science In Economics Student, University Of Capecoast, Ghana

2Master of Philosophy In Economics Student, Ghana Institute Of Management And Public Administration-Gimpa, Ghana


The main objective of the paper is to assess the topic‘an antidote for inventions or a curse?, the Covid 19 pandemic in an African country’. Survey research design was employed in this study. The scope of the study was limited to Ghana, while the accessible population was inhabitants of Greater Kumasi and Greater Accra Metropolis since they are the metropolitans that were locked down for 3 weeks during the pandemic. The sample size selected was 60 respondents whilst the convenient sampling technique was used. Questionnaire was used as a data gathering tool while data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found out that corona virus has caused serious negative impacts on individuals/citizens in Ghana including high cost of living, psychological trauma, mobility challenges, low income/profit and job losses. On the national level, the virus is causing drain to the nation’s existing resources, loss of national revenue, stagnation of development and fall in overall production. Furthermore, the study found out that covid-19 presented opportunity to Ghana as a country for invention of personal protective equipment (PPE’s), Invention of vaccines and other medications, invention of health related machines and capital goods. However, since the mean mark for the virus as a curse is a little above the threshold of neutrality (thus 3.0), the statement that ‘Covid 19 is a curse’cannot be totally overruled. The study recommended that government in African states should empower more local firms to produce local products: PPEs, hand sanitizers, ventilators, and equally venture into producing vaccine of possible cure of Covid 19. This can be done by supporting them financially through tax free productions within this pandemic period. They must also give tax waiver to private enterprises during the corona virus period to ensure continual production and prevent job losses.

Key words: Covid 19, Antidote, Inventions

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