Author Name: 1. Priyanka R. Chand, 2. Libin Babu
Volume/Issue: 05/03
Country: India
DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2024-64883848/UIJIR
- Nursing Tutor, Era College of Nursing Era University , Lucknow, India
- Associate professor, Era University, Lucknow, India.
Background: Childbirth is a normal physiological process for the majority of women and a process that, like all other life events, is looked upon with a mixture of anticipation and happy expectation. Childbirth is a universally celebrated event yet for many thousands of women each day. Birth preparedness is the process of planning for the birth. Its Components include, Preparation for normal delivery, readiness to deal with complications, postnatal and new born care. It is a strategy to promote the timely use of skilled maternal care especially during childbirth, based on theory that preparing for childbirth reduces the delays in obtaining care. In India, women of the child-bearing age (15–44 years) constitute 22.2% and children under 15 years of age about 35.3% of the total population. Together, they constitute nearly 57.5% of the total population. By virtue of their numbers, mothers and children are the major consumers of health services, of whatever forms. Global observations show that in developed regions maternal mortality ratio averages at 13/100,000 live births; in developing regions, the figure is 440 for the same number of live births. Infant, child and maternal mortality rates are high in developing countries, much of the sickness and deaths among mothers and children is largely preventable by improving the health of mothers and children. Methodology: The research approach adopted for this study is an exploratory approach. for this study is an evaluative approach. The research design selected for this present study was pre- and post- experimental design which includes one group pre-test and post-test design. 60 primigravida mother of Konankunte PHC at Bengaluru. They were selected by convenience sampling. Data was collected using structured questionnaire. The STP administered on the same day. After that again they were assessed, [post-test] using the same tool. Result: The results of major findings indicated that primigravida mother had moderate knowledge regarding Birth preparedness. The findings reveal that the in the pre-test knowledge assessment, out of 60 primigravida mother 34 [56.67 %] had moderate knowledge, 23 [38.33 %] had adequate and 03 [5 %] had inadequate knowledge. The mean percentage of post-test knowledge score 23.15 was apparently higher than its mean percentage of pre-test knowledge score 21.5 suggesting that administration of Structured teaching program on Birth preparedness to primigravida mother was effective in increasing the knowledge. The Structured teaching program was an effective method of providing information regarding Birth preparedness to primigravida mothers, the statistical paired ‘t’ test implies that the difference in the pre-test and post-test value was found to be statistically highly significant at 5% level (p <0.01) with a paired ‘t’ test value of 2.57 in the aspect of knowledge. This shows a statistically significant enhancement in knowledge score indicating the positive impact of intervention program. Conclusion: The study concluded that the Structured teaching program on Birth preparedness to primigravida mother was an effective method for providing moderate to adequate knowledge and help primigravida mother to enhance their knowledge regarding Birth preparedness.
Key words: Childbirth, Birth Preparedness Women, Child, Primigravida, Normal delivery, Labour Maternal health
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