Author Name: 1. Dr. M. Kalavathy
Volume/Issue: 02/12
Country: India
DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2024-98539131/UIJIR
- Asst. Professor, Dept of Journalism and Communication University of Madra, India.
TV advertisement is considered as one of the most efficacious medium to impact the children. Today an advertisement is played a major role to reach the target audience. Advertisers use paid public presentations of goods and services in a variety of media to influence consumer’s attention and in purchase the products. Children are prone to 40,000 advertisements in every year. Statistics estimate that advertising and consumerisms significance in children’s lives. On an average 8–13-year-old is watching three and half hours of television per day Hu Jia et al. (2021). One of the Indian study conclude that ‘Children’s perceptions and awareness towards the goods and product is getting stronger and stronger day by day due to the repetition of the TV advertisements, the repetition of the television advertisements causes very strong impact on the mind of children (Mannya jain,2021). With this background, the current study is going to study, how advertisers used children in their advertisements and the product usefulness. For that purpose, the researcher adopted qualitative approach and focused on content analysis of the products in the advertisements telecasted by the popular kid’s channel. Totally five advertisements has been selected as samples for the study. The study concluded that children have been used as a way to approach rational and emotional appeals to a large number of audiences. They have been portrayed as cute, innocent, and dependent. Most of the repeated products advertisement is for high-sugar food or snacks, which will not going to help get a good health.
Key words: Children, Television, advertisement, content analysis.
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