Author Name: 1. Sabu VU

Volume/Issue: 04/11

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


  1. Native Orchids Conservator, Associated with Eunoia Orchid Garden, Ambalvayal, Wayanad, Kerala, India.


The Western Ghats, a biodiversity hotspot in India, is home to a rich diversity of native plant species that play a vital role in maintaining ecosystem health and resilience. Many native orchids in the Western Ghats are facing significant threats due to habitat loss, fragmentation, overexploitation, climate change, and illegal trade. In this research paper, we examine the conservation status of threatened native orchids in the Western Ghats, identify key challenges to their survival, and propose conservation strategies and recommendations to mitigate these threats. By emphasizing the importance of protecting and restoring native orchid populations, however, this unique biodiversity is increasingly threatened by habitat loss, fragmentation, invasive species, climate change, and anthropogenic activities. In this research paper, we examine the importance of conserving native plants in the Western Ghats, identify key challenges and threats to their survival, and propose strategies for their conservation. By highlighting the ecological, economic, and cultural significance of native plants, we underscore the urgent need for concerted efforts to protect and restore these valuable resources to ensure the long-term sustainability of the region's biodiversity. The orchids are the largest families of flowering plants and they are the superstars of the wild flower world. In this short time I would like to bring few points of wild orchids before you. Preservation biological diversity maintenance of a well-balanced ecosystem is so essential for our sustainability on this planet Almost 1000 species have been associated for the International Union for conservation of nature Global Red List to date (IUCN 2017) and an alarming 56.5% of them fall into the different categories of threat. Major threats include Habitat destruction unsustainable harvesting of the rare plants. New species are still being discovered, but named species continue to become extinct. As per the studies it have found that nearly 176 varieties of wild orchids are available in the Western Ghats. It has been estimated that many rare species disappear every year due to habitat destruction. Systematic study of orchids will help us to explore more on environment and climate change and their impact on the ecosystem. My focus on collection conservation and augmentation of natural habitat of wild orchids and their preservation. I have identified and restored about 60 species of wild orchids in my home garden. Restored orchids were tagged and cared over about 16 months. The success rate of restored orchids was 90%. My project of then rightly suggested rescue and Restoration of Fallen orchids is a conservation tool for our habitats. Preventing the orchid’s loss which resulting in natural and anthropogenic disturbances. This amazing results were presented in many local Medias and also shared in many floors of teachers and students. At this moment I would like to suggest to educate the public about biodiversity in ecosystems and the threats they face and opportunities to restore its conservation and importance.

Key words: Conservation Strategies, Orchids Western Ghats

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