Author Name: 1. Raghvendra Pareek, 2. Dr. Abdul Latif

Volume/Issue: 04/08

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2024-27277356/UIJIR


  1. Research Scholar Nursing, J.J.T.U., Rajasthan, India.
  2. Research Guide, J.J.T.U., Rajasthan, India.


Erikson maintained that personality develops in a predetermined order through eight stages of psychosocial development, from infancy to adulthood. During each stage, the person experiences a psychosocial crisis that could positively or negatively affect personality development.. Each stage is marked by a psychological conflict, the successful resolution of which, results in the development of ego virtue/ strength. Each stage is associated with the development of a specific ego virtue depending upon the conflict marking the developmental stage. The resulting virtue for middle age is care, while that for old age is wisdom. Purpose of the present study is to find out the impact of ego virtues in middle and old age people. Here, 60 samples are taken in four different groups. In every group, 15 samples are taken. The groups are as follows- Middle age (male), Middle age (female), Old age (male) and old age (female). Results indicate that the mean value (Old age male = 7.03 and old age female = 7.35, overall mean of old age = 7.19) are above average and also, it is more than the scores of middle age persons (Middle age male mean value = 6.90, Middle age female mean value = 6.82, overall mean value of middle age = 6.86). In comparison between males of old and Middle Ages, the mean value is higher among the old age males. Old age female scores of mean values are higher than the mean value scores of middle age females. The mean values of old age females are more in comparison to middle age females, which has been statistically significant at 0.05 level. Other t-tests were not significant. So, it may be concluded that old age males and females have shown more strength in ego virtues in comparison to middle aged people, which has also been found among the variation of scores between males and females. Old age females have shown more stable differences in comparison with middle aged females. So, in the present study, it has been found that there is an impact of ego virtues in middle and old aged people and the latter group has shown more strength in ego virtues than the other.

Key words: Old Age, Middle Age, Ego Virtues, Development, Ego Strength, Eriksonian Development.

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