Author Name: 1. Jovi A. Romualdo

Volume/Issue: 04/04

Country: Philippines

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2023-44877455/UIJIR


  1. President Ramon Magsaysay State University, College Instructor, College of Teacher Education, Zone VI, Iba, Zambales, 2201, Philippines.


The study aimed to examine the challenges teachers encounter in using e-portfolio assessment in Social Studies in selected Private Catholic Junior High Schools in Zone II, Division of Zambales, in the school year 2020-2021. The researcher used a questionnaire to collect data from 24 teachers using a descriptive research approach. The study only examined Social Studies teachers' sexes, years of employment, and highest education. It also covered examining the challenges that teachers encounter in the use of e-portfolio assessment concerning (1) Technical Challenges, (2) Resource Challenges, (3) Legal and Ethical Challenges, and (4) Personal Challenges. The study revealed that the teacher-respondent is a typical female, a BS degree holder, and had been in the teaching service for a few numbers of years. The private teacher-respondents assessed “Agreed” Technical Challenges while “Moderately Agreed” on Resource, Legal, Ethical, and Personal Challenges, respectively. The teacher respondents preferred the use of a working portfolio. The private junior high school teacher-respondents assessed “Agreed” on the perception towards the proposed intervention to address the challenges encountered using e-portfolio assessment. There is a significant difference in the perception towards Resources, Legal and Ethical and Personal Challenges when grouped according to the length of years in the service and the significance of personal challenges when grouped according to highest educational attainment. There are no significant differences in the perceptions of technological obstacles, resource challenges, legal and ethical challenges, and personal challenges faced by teacher-respondents while using e-portfolios in Social Studies. The researcher proposes that the school administration advocate with local and national government leaders to speed up free, high-speed internet. This is important to evaluate students' e-portfolios efficiently.

Key words: Keywords: e-portfolio. Authentic assessment, catholic junior high school

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