Author Name: 1. Satakshi Chaudhary 2. Sanchi Chaudhary 3. Shagun Chaudhary 4. Sandesh Kumar Sharma 5. Shivani Saini 6. Sakshi Nailwal 7. Sakshi Pradhan 8. Shivani Gujjar 9. Seeba Shivani Sengar 10. Mrs. Neha

Volume/Issue: 03/09

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://www.doi-ds.org/doilink/03.2023-34142178/UIJIR


  1. B.Sc Nursing Students, 2018-2022 Batch, College Of Nursing, Llrm Medical College Meerut. U.P. India
  2. B.Sc Nursing Students, 2018-2022 Batch, College Of Nursing, Llrm Medical College Meerut. U.P. India
  3. B.Sc Nursing Students, 2018-2022 Batch, College Of Nursing, Llrm Medical College Meerut. U.P. India
  4. B.Sc Nursing Students, 2018-2022 Batch, College Of Nursing, Llrm Medical College Meerut. U.P. India
  5. B.Sc Nursing Students, 2018-2022 Batch, College Of Nursing, Llrm Medical College Meerut. U.P. India
  6. B.Sc Nursing Students, 2018-2022 Batch, College Of Nursing, Llrm Medical College Meerut. U.P. India
  7. B.Sc Nursing Students, 2018-2022 Batch, College Of Nursing, Llrm Medical College Meerut. U.P. India
  8. B.Sc Nursing Students, 2018-2022 Batch, College Of Nursing, Llrm Medical College Meerut. U.P. India
  9. B.Sc Nursing Students, 2018-2022 Batch, College Of Nursing, Llrm Medical College Meerut. U.P. India
  10. Associate Professor, College Of Nursing, Llrm Medical College, Meerut, U.P, India


Reproductive and sexual health is a field of research, healthcare and social activism that explores the health of an individual’s reproductive system and sexual wellbeing during all stages of their life. Adolescents are likely to face a range of health and social challenges. For instance, initiation of sexual activity while they lack adequate knowledge and skills for protection places adolescents at a higher risk of unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on Reproductive health among adolescent girls. The evaluating study was conducted using quasi experimental research design (pre-test post – test design) in selected school at Meerut. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The total sample size for the study was 60 and data collection was done by using questionnaire method. The result of study shows that The assessment of knowledge level out of 60 samples in pre-test is 25 % had average knowledge 75 % had poor knowledge and 0% had good about reproductive health. The total mean knowledge of student in pre test was 8.65. The result of assessment of knowledge level out of 60 samples in Post test is 3.33% had average knowledge 0% had poor knowledge and 96.66% had good about reproductive health. The total mean knowledge of student in post-test was 25.58. Thus we can conclude that there is significance difference between in pre-test and post test score. It may conclude that structured teaching programme is an effective tool in enhancing knowledge regarding Reproductive health among adolescent girls.

Key words: Reproductive Health, healthcare, knowledge, sampling.

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