Author Name: Ms. Amandeep Kaur
Volume/Issue: 03/05
Country: India
DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://www.doi-ds.org/doilink/11.2022-26386737/UIJIR
Assistant Professor, Govt. College of Nursing, Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayaya University of Health Sciences, Karnal, Haryana, India
The COVID-19 pandemic, the considerable health emergency for world. WHO acknowledged this corona virus epidemic as a pandemic and declared the outbreak as a public health emergency of international concern. In all over the world great efforts in reducing the transmission taken by government. Whole cities in maximum countries were placed under total lockdown. During lockdown, people were constricted to their home and children have been at home for longer periods of time than ever before in recent memory. This unexpected imposed social isolation has caused enormous disruption of daily routines for the global community, especially children and adolescent. Closure of schools, lack of extracurricular and outdoor activities, altered eating and sleeping habits, lack of peer-time have fostered monotony, anguish, irritation. These children are experiencing psychological distress. Several research findings highlight that during lockdown when children confined to their homes with limited outdoor activities and no interactions with same aged friends reports that there are many aspects of their lives that are disrupted. This paper is aimed at reviewing various articles related to impact of COVID-19 pandemic on psychological status of children and adolescent. Researcher conducted a review through Electronic databases search included PubMed, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar databases, from January, 2020 till November 2021. The selection procedure followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review i.e, (PRISMA) guidelines and included all quantitative, qualitative and mixed method studies published in English. Findings of reviewed articles shows that, during lockdown, more children and adolescent reported of anxiety, depression, Sleep-Related Impairment, sub threshold mental disturbances, psychosocial problems, psychological distress, social isolation and increases in maladaptive behavior. From the review finding, it can be concluded that covid-19 had significant negative impression on psychological well being of children and adolescent. There is urgent need to plan new strategies for early psychological interventions in order to reduce the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescent’s psychological status.
Key words: Impression, Impact, Psychological Status, Children, Adolescent, Mental Health Status, COVID-19
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