Author Name: Sabita Acharya

Volume/Issue: 03/03

Country: Nepal

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


Hospital Nursing Administrator, Province Hospital, Surkhet, Nepal


The main objectives of study were to identify the perception of family planning methods among Dalit women. To examine the practices of contraception in the married women's of reproductive age and to identity the reasons for not using the family planning devices currently. The study was based on descriptive and quantitative research design in study. Interview schedule was for data collection. The research was conducted 120 respondents who were married women. All the married women were selected by lottery method. The major findings of the study area, majority of respondents 54.16 percent had perceived that advantage of family planning was delaying and limiting the birth and 32.50 percent of respondents attitude about family planning was reduced unwanted pregnancy. Thirty five percent of respondents were disagreed with family planning to induce sexual dysfunction. In this research majority of respondents had knowledge about Condom 85.83 percent, Pills 83.33 percent, Depo-Provera 79.16 percent, Vasectomy 60 percent, Laparoscopy 56.66 percent, Minilap 54.16 percent, Implant 51.66 percent and least of the proportion had knowledge about Foam tablet 16.66 percent, Calendar method 15 percent and Breast feeding 12.5 percent. T.V./Radio was the main sources of information about family planning method which account 31.66 percent. Nearly 63 percent of respondents were found to be current user of family planning devices. Women of 20 - 24 years age group and those having three children were found to be highly sensitive for family planning. It was found that 40 percent of respondents could get family planning devices from Sub health post among the current users. Some of the respondents were not using any family planning method because of side effect. The respondent reported various types of side effect of family planning method among these side effects disturbance in menstruation is reported mostly followed by headache, backache, loss of lactation and weakness. The respondents reported good perception towards the family planning method.

Key words: Dalit, Delivery, ethnic group, family planning, contraceptives

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