Author Name: Subas Gautam

Volume/Issue: 03/03

Country: Nepal

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://www.doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2022-25274792/UIJIR


Assistant Professor, TU, M.M Campus, Nepalgunj


This research paper has analyzed potentiality of sustainable rural tourism of Karnali gateway Surkhet. The study mainly based on data obtained from field survey 2021 provides with the different tourist, potential areas, infrastructure development, socioeconomic impact and problems of tourism. The study is based on primary data gathered from the local people, visitors, tourism experts and the local bodies through the random sampling based on quota sample method. Altogether sixty local people of major attractive site, forty visitors were taken samples for this study. The study is of both qualitative and quantitative. The finding has revealed that in the study that Surkhet has huge potentiality of tourism as in other destinations of the country. Surkhet even being rich in natural, archeological, religious and cultural assets at the gateway center of entire Karnali region the flow of tourist is very low. Due to the low flow of tourist the socio economic impact upon local people is found negligible. Due to the lack of coordination among concerned agencies, poor infrastructure and marketing strategies, the development of tourism has been found over shadowed in Surkhet.

Key words: sustainability, tourism, socio-economic impact, infrastructure

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