Author Name: Dr. K. Kanagarathinam
Volume/Issue: 03/03
Country: India
DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:
M.Sc., M.Phil.,M.A.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,Mba.,Phd., Assistant Professor Dept.of Environmental Science, Sri Subash Arts & Science College, Pollachi, Coimbatore District -642 002, Tamilnadu –India
The world is one of the Global Village, because day-by-day it is shrinking through the technologies it means people are living in modern science world, an earlier days our ancient people never imagined technologies and innovations revolution in the world. Those days’ people travelled by bullock cart and walked far a way. There was no any pollution, so they lived happiest life without disease. But, now we are living in Modern world, we can be travelled throughout the world by aircraft, train, buses, cars and scooters. So, these are innovative modern techniques, also we could not control so many diseases by the thermal pollution, air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. So, new innovates and techniques should be reformed and alternative solution must follow in the modern world, such Electrical Buses, Electrical car, Bio Fuels are vital roles in the Biodiversity. Other countries are using sun light charges to their vehicles. But, still we are continuing donkey’s marriage for rain fall. Our neighbour countries use Chemical for cloud seed with silver iodide and potassium iodide for artificial rain fall and artificial rain and cloud seeding solution to the future’s water problem. Hence, people should aware about biodiversity activities through innovations techniques/practices. Also Government should take more necessary awareness among the novice people.
Key words: battery vehicle, cloud seeding, silver iodide, potassium iodide, solid carbon dioxide
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