Author Name: 1. Aditya Mohan 2. Dr. Abid Ali
Volume/Issue: 03/03
Country: India
DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:
- Research Scholar, Institute of Mass Communication & Media Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
- Assistant Professor, Institute of Mass Communication & Media Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
This study attempts to understand the nature and criterion for academy award given in the best international feature film category (Before 2020, it was known as Best Foreign Language Film) to the feature-length motion picture with the non-English dialogue track produced outside the United States. Earlier between 1947 to 1955, this award was given as a Special/Honorary Award to only one selected foreign film which was released in the United States. After 1956, nominations were invited and awards were given to the winning film. Italy and France have won the maximum number of Oscars in this category with a maximum number of nominations. To win an academy award, a country can only submit only one film to the academy and for that, some eligibility and submission criteria are fixed by the academy of motion picture arts and sciences which has also been discussed in this paper and this paper. Data from various secondary sources have been used in this research. This paper also includes a table with concise details of the country-wise list explaining the country's submission years, total submitted total submitted films, and nominated and winning films.
Key words: Films, Oscars, Academy Award, Best International Feature Film, Best Foreign Language Film
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