Author Name: Mrs. Payel Saha

Volume/Issue: 03/01

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://www.doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2022-58715185/UIJIR


Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Assistant professor, College of Nursing, Institute of Psychiatry-COE, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


coholism has become a major problem in India which is there across all societies. This alcoholic problem is not only affecting the person himself, but also the family members especially the children surrounding him. The aim of the study was to assess the perceived stress and coping strategies among the children of alcoholic dependents in urban areas of Bangalore. Assess the level of perceived stress among children of alcoholic dependents. Assess the coping strategies used by children of alcoholic dependents. Find out the relationship between the perceived stress and coping strategies among children of alcoholic dependents. Determine an association between the perceived stress and selected socio demographic variables of children of alcoholic dependents. Determine an association between the coping strategies and selected socio demographic variables of children of alcoholic dependents. A non-experimental, descriptive survey was selected for the study. The participants were 100 children of alcoholic dependents of Bangalore. A non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to select the samples for the study. Modified Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, Sheldon Cohen’s perceived stress scale, Folkman and Lazarus scales were used to collect data from the subjects. The obtained data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics and interpreted in terms of objectives and hypothesis of the study. The level of significance was set at 0.05 levels. It was observed that the majority (79%) of the respondents had moderate levels of stress. The remaining (21%) had low stress and none of them had high stress. A significant association was found between perceived stress and demographic variables are gender, marital status of parents, occupation of family head, family income. A significant association was found between coping scores and demographic variables are gender, stay at present and occupation of family head, family income, and duration of alcoholism. The mean perceived stress scores of children of alcoholic dependents found to be 85.62, with the mean percentage of (63.0%) and a standard deviation of 8.5. The mean coping score is found to be 89.12, with the mean percentage of (65.5%) and a standard deviation of 8.2. There exists a significant positive correlation between the perceived stress and the coping scores of Children of alcoholic dependents.

Key words: Alcoholism, Perceived Stress, Coping, Socio-demographic variables, Descriptive design Citation: Mrs Payel saha“. A descriptive study to assess the perceived stress and coping strategies among children of alcoholic dependents in urban areas of Bangalore”

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