Author Name: 1. Hajira Ummay Aiman 2. V. Ganapathi 3. Syeda Nishat Fathima

Volume/Issue: 02/12

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


Department of Pharmacy Practice, Jayamukhi College of Pharmacy, Narsampet, Warangal-506332, Telangana, India


Different cardiac biomarkers or cardiac enzymes have conventionally continued to be utilized for assessment and diagnose of acute myocardial-infarction patient. Cardiac biomarkers are the proteins that are released from the damaged myocardial cells through their injured cell membranes into the circulation. Several cardiac markers have been used in the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease. However, a lack of sensitivity and specificity to cardiac muscle necrosis continues to be the need to look for newer specific molecules. Cardiac markers can be classified into those that signify myocardial necrosis (creatine kinase-MB fraction, myoglobin and cardiac troponins), those that indicate myocardial ischemia (ischemia modified albumin), those that suggest myocardial stress (natriuretic peptides), and those markers of inflammation and prognosis (C-reactive protein, soluble CD40 ligand, and homocysteine). The present review highlights different cardiac biomarkers.

Key words: Biomarkers, Cardiovascular disease, Myocardial Infarction

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