Author Name: 1. Manish Sharma 2. Md. Imteyaz Ansari 3. Nazrul Islam

Volume/Issue: 02/11

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


  1. Student- Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, Delhi, India -110025
  2. Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, Delhi, India -110025
  3. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, Delhi, India -110025


To manage the wildlife and their security, information about wildlife is required to manage the wildlife properly. To make sure that no species go extinct and maintain biodiversity, it's necessary to maintain control and monitor the wildlife animals properly. Monitoring includes observation and assessment to forecast the human environment. Modern-day and traditional technologies are being used to manage and organize the wildlife environment. These technologies have exceptional navigation and other equipment. One of the critical challenges is to monitor the large animals because they have very low density and more significant habitats than the other small animals. Such animals are elks and moose, for example. The population size of the animals can be found without spending a lot of finances and without causing any danger to the animal habitat. The models used in this case have different results that vary from the other models because of the various parameters being considered and the different assumption that is made. Factors affecting the results of any model are the location, climate, and economic conditions of that country in all the territories. The most common devices used for this purpose are cameras, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), air vehicles.

Key words: Wildlife, Monitoring, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Animal Population, air vehicles.

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