Author Name: Gelizon, Mary Joy B.

Volume/Issue: 02/09

Country: Philippines

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


School of Teacher Education, Biliran Province State University-Biliran Campus, San Isidro Biliran, Biliran, Philippines


The parents played the most significant role in the mental, physical, social, financial and career development in early childhood. The primary purpose of this mix-method study was to determine the practices and challenges of the parents in early childhood children. The quantitative strand of the study was done through the use of researcher-made survey checklist questionnaire administered to 75 respondents from the different barangays in the Municipality of Biliran employing equal allocation. Questionnaire on parents’ practices along the four developmental domains had the reliability index of .962 and the challenges which contained 14 items had obtained reliability index of .80. After the analysis of the data through the use of frequency, percentage and simple weighted mean, out of 75 respondents, only 20 were interviewed face-to-face for the validation of the results. The data obtained from the interview were analysed through the use of Groenewald’s method of phenomenological analysis of data with five phases namely: bracketing, delineating elements of meaning, concept formation, encapsulate the dialogue, certify and take out common distinctive themes from the responses and makes a synopsis. The quantitative results revealed that parents were having insufficient extent of practices along with the cognitive, physical, socio-emotional and spiritual development known as the four domains in early childhood development. As to the challenges, out of fourteen, only six came out as very challenging to the parents, to wit: discipline of the child, eating habits, sleep habits, patience towards the child, child’s anxiety and child’s tantrums. The content analysis of the data gathered from the interview generated four themes such as responsibilities and roles, rights, realities, resourcefulness and resilience. Thus, the Practical Guide for Parenthood was designed in addressing the barriers they encounter and to guide parents with early childhood children.

Key words: Domain, Early Childhood Practices, Mix-method, Role of Parents, Practical Guide

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