Author Name: Mr. Ngawang Zepa

Volume/Issue: 02/08

Country: Bhutan

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


College of Science and Technology, Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan


Ancient Nālandā in Magadha Kingdom during the time of pre-Buddhist society was been very famous as the seat of Mahavira, Jainism leader. Yet, its popularity and peak of existence was proclaimed by the world only in the time of Buddha and post Buddha era, after the founding of Nālandā Mahavihara as seat of higher learning. Based on its patronage systems and donations by popular rulers of Magadha Kingdom, Nālandā Tradition gave birth to many intellectual scholars [thinkers] across the world, especially on philosophical analysis [epistemology and metaphysics]. Many scholars over the globe, irrespective of the social norms, caste, religious practices and race have travelled to Nālandā in pursuit of learning. The philosophical explorations, logical arguments and deliberations [debates] were very essential part of the tradition in teaching-learning pedagogies. Monks or populace in the Mahavira was sustained by the economy structure of patronage system through donations and gifts. On other hand, physical environment and the natural resources of Nālandā has equal contribution in the rise of Mahavihara yet, it is one of the controversial discussion with the least record of it. This paper will present the account of environmental status of ancient Nālandā of Magadha Kingdom, nature’s gifted resources upheld the growth of Ancient University.

Key words: Nālandā, Natural Resources, Mahavihara, Ancient, Tradition

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