Author Name: Asmit Kuikel

Volume/Issue: 02/08

Country: Nepal

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


Lecturer of Kantipur Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal


The paper is reflection of the pandemic situation caused by corona virus. This paper is based on the observation and experience during the lockdown. After the outbreak of the corona virus from the Wuhan city of China the world faces the serious problem where Nepal is no exception from it. After the Government of Nepal declare the lockdown in March many people, they faced several problems. Moreover, working class people are most vulnerable group from the lockdown. So, this paper tries to analyse the solidarity of the people in the community. This paper examines the social cohesion in the society as the common kitchen run by the local authority. This paper tries to link the solidarity and cohesion aspect in the society in the need. I hope that this paper contributes to link the common kitchen conducted by the local authority with the collaboration and cooperation with the people and the social cohesion and solidarity aspect in the society. Also, this paper reflects about the social solidarity during the earthquake and try to link the solidarity in crisis. Also, this paper reflects the traditional approach of social solidarity and social exchange.

Key words: Solidarity, Common Kitchen, social cohesion, local authority

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