Author Name: 1. Dipankar Patra 2. Prof. R Neelakandan

Volume/Issue: 02/04

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


  1. Research Scholar, Annamalai University, India
  2. Research Guide, Psychology Department, Annamalai University, India


Yoga Nidra has been in India since time immemorial as a form of spiritual practice as well as a healing modality. In the modern form, it exists as a psychotherapeutic treatment modality and termed as Yoga Psychotherapy. In this document, the primary author who has been a practicing hypnotherapist and trained in the ancient sciences of Yoga Nidra describes the various references to Yoga Nidra from Indian scriptures and describes the theory and practice of it in some institutions which aims to preserve and promote Indian culture and heritage. A comparison and contrast with the key areas of Yoga Nidra with hypnotherapy is also drawn in the next section. The final section discusses on the future of Yoga Nidra and Hypnosis, both of which are not able to get the merit and importance it deserves. It is unfortunate the in a country so rich with spiritual pursuits has failed to promote Yoga Nidra with all its manifestations. It is also a shame that Indian psychology is not taught in Indian academic institutions and a colonial hangover still exists amongst academicians, researchers, therapists and healers who draw resources from western psychology where the element of subjective internal connect, often a spiritual one is ignored or bypassed. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have also been vogue for quite some time is also recognised as a treatment modality by the Indian government. However, not much progress has been made also in this direction in terms of making it a part of an academic curriculum for doctors and psychologists. Neither is there any governing or licensing body which could oversee and promote this amazing science which utilize the subconscious faculties of the mind. Both hypnosis and Yoga Nidra utilises the subconscious resources of the mind and operates at an altered state of awareness. They bypass the rational faculties of the conscious mind and help to unearth hidden and latent potentials within an individual. Both hypnosis and Yoga Nidra can form a bridge between eastern mysticism and western psychotherapy. Fortunately, very recently a strong awareness is being noticed amongst young Indians to rediscover cultural and spiritual origins of our Indic heritage.

Key words: hypnosis, hypnotherapy, Yoga Nidra

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