Author Name: Mr. Eriwell R. Hipolito

Volume/Issue: 02/03

Country: Philippines

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


Department of Education, Schools Division of Pampanga, Dolores National High School, Philippines.


In a public high school in Pampanga 159 students and eight Science teachers, were surveyed to determine their knowledge, attitude, and practice on disaster preparedness in school. Results of the study revealed that students and teachers have moderate to a high level of knowledge in disaster preparedness which means the concepts, ideas, and theories behind disaster preparedness in the school is on the right track. The attitude level of the students and teachers are also generally high in disaster preparedness. However, having high results in knowledge and attitude the students have moderate practice (68.55 %) in disaster preparedness in school. The teachers, however, have high practice but lacks confidence in handling and dealing a disaster in the vent that it occurs. Despite having a moderate to a high level of knowledge on safety, not everyone was familiar with the disaster preparedness signs in the school. Practice should be 100% in all areas since disaster preparedness is a very important requirement for all students to observe. Disaster preparedness measures appear not to have been communicated properly since it did not reach everyone especially the students’ family, stakeholders, and the community. It is recommended that students should develop a culture of disaster preparedness in school at all times whether inside or outside the school as a disaster could strike anytime. Teachers should have a solid background on disaster preparedness as role models for students. The disaster preparedness program of the school could be improved by actively including the parents and community to participate in the conduct of disaster preparedness activities. It is also recommended that further studies on the same field or area of disaster preparedness should be conducted by future researchers to add more variables to strengthen the basis and give more depth to data analysis.

Key words: Disaster Preparedness, Knowledge

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