Author Name: Dr. Sukla Bhattacharyya

Volume/Issue: 02/02

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://www.doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2021-11533234/UIJIR


Department of Education, Purbasthali College, Dist-Burdwan, West Bengal, India


Swami Vivekananda was a great revolutionary thinker as his thought was fully scientific and he Was completely free from superstitions. He wanted to eradicate poverty in India through science and technology. Though he was proud of the Indian past for developing mathematics, geometry, and inventing the digit Zero. But in spite of that he wanted western science and technology. Moreover, Swamiji was flattered by the west for being very laborious and spread the ideas of Vedanta in the West. At the same time he wanted the synthesis of Individualism and Socialism in his educational thought. Though he was a great Vedantic sage, he was highly influenced by the Islamic culture. Vedanta philosophy propagated the idea of equality. He thought that a new Culture should be born through intermingling of Hindu and Muslim culture. Swamiji’s sole opinion was equalization. He accepted the socialist theory, thus we can follow the synthesis of Individualism and Socialism in most of Swamiji’s educational teachings. He could not deafer from shudrahood and nationhood. He was highly ambitious about India being the leading nation building a new society in the world. He aimed towards scientific, technical, moral and physical education as well as religious education for the regeneration of the masses.

Key words: Science Technology, Swami, Western Materialism

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