Author Name: 1. Dr Thomas Joseph Parathara 2. Mr Emin Mathews

Volume/Issue: 02/01

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


  1. Assistant Professor, PG Department of History & Research Centre, Assumption College, Chanaganacherry, Kottayam, Kerala, India
  1. Administrative Assistant, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Assumption College, Chanaganacherry, Kottayam, Kerala, India


Education is the only one phenomenon, which touches all spheres of human life. It has great impact on every aspect of human life. Education is a lifelong process which moulds individuals and thereby, the society as a whole. Education helps in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, habits and much more. The menu extends, but the most cherished of it all is, the value it imparts. It is an essential human virtue and without it, man is only a slave, reasoning savage. One of the major functions of education is to humanize the humanity and is enables to develop the total personality of the person. The purpose of education is not to produce mere scholars, technicians or job hunters, but value-oriented men and women in the society. The Kothari Commission has pointed out the vital need for inculcation of valves in education. Inculcation of proper social, moral and spiritual values in the pupils is essential to meet the challenges posed by the modern age science and technology. Education is training towards values. It is accepted that the ultimate goal of education is character formation. The main objective of value-oriented education is to make the pupils good citizens, who may share their responsibilities in the changing set up of the society in order to give it the desired shape and image and to the country at large. It is on one hand the pressing need of the hour and on the other the edifice of educational reconstruction to build up individual personality with all good and possible qualities attached to it. It is a dream of a nation to provide cultivated citizens with high ideals of living with a strong moral code. All values introduced and exercised in education are therefore, meant for social development and social prosperity. Surely they enable us to be in perfect tune with the truth. Hence inculcation of values with education is inevitable. The present study intends to highlight the strategies of value education in the present education system.

Key words: Values, Education, Strategies, Curriculum, Humanitarianism

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