Author Name: Deepak Chandra Bhatt

Volume/Issue: 01/12

Country: Nepal

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


  1. Asst. Prof., Central Campus/ Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Far-Western University, Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur///(PhD scholar in T.U., Nepal )


This article describes the situation of Nepalese migrants working in Indian cities in the context of covid-19. Cessation of cross border movement between Nepal and India is not a matter of imagination in usual situations but that was the case during unusual period of March and April because of covid-19. The migrants who wanted to return home from India had to struggle a lot and to face many challenges during their journeys. This study was conducted to describe changes observed in the process of migration during the period of covid19. Data were collected using the techniques of direct observations, phone and Facebook messenger conversations as primary source of information as well as monitoring news and social media as secondary sources. An exploratory analysis has been carried out to describe the situation faced by during their travels. Findings are presented under the topics: mode of travel, views about working in India, reasons for returning India. It was found that the migrants faced difficult situation during their return journeys and had to spend time and money 5 times more than that in normal situation. From the observations, it can be concluded that Nepali migrants from Sudurpaschim province prefer to go to India because they get a range of jobs from manual, clerical to managerial compared to the opportunities for skilled-based jobs in Nepali market. Therefore, it is recommended to increase investments in skill development activities to retain human resources in the country.

Key words: Nepal-India Migration, COVID-19, Lockdown, Migrants

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