Author Name: 1. Santosh Kumar Yadav , 2. Brajesh Kumar Choubey

Volume/Issue: 01/11

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: http://www.doi-ds.org/doilink/05.2021-11426456/UIJIR


1 Head, Department of Commerce & Management, Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University, Ziro Arunachal Pradesh.
2 Assistant Professor (Department of Commerce & Management), Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University, Ziro Arunachal Pradesh


Plums are grown as a commercial crop in the several countries of the world. Plum is native to China, although it became a commercial fruit of Japan and America. It is known as Japanese plum due to its cultivation in Japan from where cultivars spread to other places. At present, plum is cultivated in all temperate climate countries of the world. In India Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashinir, Uttrakhand and Uttar Pradesh. In the plains low chilling requiring plum cultivars are cultivated throughout Punjab, Haryana and in some parts of Uttar Pradesh ,Rajasthan and Lesser known as the State of Arunachal Pradesh situated at the end of Eastern Himalayas North East India[1]. Important fruit crop of temperate region. It belongs to the family Rosaceous. It can be grown at 1,700-2,400m above mean sea-level. Pears fruit is rich source of Portein and Vitamins. Due to its wider adaptability of climate and soil, pear can be grown in subtropical regions. In India Pear is cultivated in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and U.P and low chilling varieties do well in subtropical regions[2]. Naara Aaba has launched in the India on 26 oct 2017 in the Indian Wine market with kiwi wine. Adding more feathers to its wing,  Lambu-Subu Food and Beverages Limited has recently launched Naara Aaba pears and plum wines at its winery located at Hong village, Ziro here on 28 Oct.2020.[3] The present investigation has tried to find out the market potential of the product in the lower subansiri District of Arunachal Pradesh. The study was under the flowing objectives- such as sales and storage of the Plumb and Pears wine of Naara Aaba, the improvement of sales and promotion; and To Develop Base line data for the wine industries for state of Arunachal Pradesh. Survey was done on salesman of wine shop at Ziro Valley and part of the District with one hundred convenient samples. The tool for data collection was questionnaire consisting three parts. Our finding states that 80% knows about Nara Abba as one of the costlier brand wine. Due to cost, only 65% shop owner shows eagerness to sell this wine and only 15% are aware of promotional campaign. Conclusion- Naara Aaba is new and emerging brand in the wine market of Arunachal Pradesh and India at large. The future challenges are about unaware of the product in other states of India and due to high cost local people prefer to consume homemade and locally made cheaper wine. Our study suggest about more promotional campaign in large scale.

Key words: Market Potential, Naara Aaba pear and plumb, Promotional Campaign

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