Author Name: Bernard Wiafe Akaadom

Volume: 01 &  Issue:

Country: Ghana

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


  1. (PhD, Technology in education),University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana


Present educational trends, the development of the knowledge society, societal changes, and globalization have all to some extent, incited higher educational institutions and thus caused changes in terms of quality education and quality assurance. The change of educational system as well as changes in teaching and learning approaches lately have called for cybernetic learning and more technologically enhanced learning. Among a wide range of ICT tools, Learning Management System (LMS) has been introduced to academic institutions. This study presents the roleLMS plays in teaching and learning pedagogy, access and flexibility in higher education and it is proposed for higher educational institutions to incorporate LMS into their teaching and learning processes in order to attain effective learning outcomes for students. It permits users to experience meaningful learning by different learning styles, matching individualneeds, self-paced learning, and promoting lifelong learning. Most significantly, Learning Management System has provided easy access to and thus promoted flexibility in learning that one can learn from anywhere and at any time without place and time constraints. The study adopted a descriptive survey approach where students studying at various levels were randomly sampled to take part in the survey. Respondents pointed out that the use of LMS was popular among students and that it helped improve their learning and also fitted well with their learning styles. Again, respondents asserted that study reiterated that a web-based learning system provided them an attractive learning environment for their respective programmes of study and for that matter overall, they enjoyed using the web-based learning experience. They also acknowledged that they intended to use the LMS to teach after their studies and affirmed that using the LMS platform to do quizzes and submit assignments was an excellent choice and therefore it is recommended for consideration by higher educational institutions for its use.

Key words: Higher Education, Virtual Learning, Learning Management System, Teaching and Learning Processes


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