Author Name: Dr. X.S.Blessing NimaSajai

Volume: 01 &  Issue:

Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link:


  1. Department of Nursing, Applied Medical Science College For Females, Alnamas, University Of Bisha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Genetics nursing is a nursing specialty in nursing that focuses on providing genetic healthcare to patients. The progress in genetics and genomics is applicable to the entire spectrum of health care and all health professionals and as such to the entire nursing profession. All nurses need to be adequately educated in genetics and understand disease processes, practice appropriate prevention techniques, reduce adverse drug reactions, and provide optimal patient care. In this era the scope of nursing practice had great demands in genetic and genomic literacy. As I belong to nursing professional with community health nursing specialty working under academic sector I wish to share the importance of genetic in nursing . In this article you can get in depth knowledge on genetics in nursing, its importance in nursing education, nursing practice and in nursing research. I hope this article will be useful for nursing professionals to apply the genetic advancements in screening at risk patients and addressing the needs of the patient or family facing a genomic health compromise also help them to bring change in their patient care and provide quality care in health promotion and disease prevention and attain the goal of health for all.

Key words: Genetics, Genomics, Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Education

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