Author Name: 1. Ranjini. K, 2. Swetha V, 3. Savitha P V, 4. Dr Anil Kumar R V, 5. Nagamani T

Volume/Issue: 05/08

Country: India

DOI NO.: 08.2020-25662434 DOI Link: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/01.2025-68478899/UIJIR


  1. Associate Professor, Suyog College of Nursing, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
  2. Associate Professor, Suyog College of Nursing, Mysore, Karnataka India.
  3. Associate Professor, Quality health care College of Nursing, Bangalore, Karnataka India.
  4. Dean & Principal, Blossom college of Nursing, Bangalore, Karnataka India.
  5. Professor & Principal, Suyog College of Nursing, Mysore, Karnataka India.


Introduction: Adolescence age can be a time of both disorientation and discovery. Adolescent girl is sexually abused when they are forced or persuaded to take part in sexual activities. Sexual abuse has gained public attention in the past few decades and has become one of the most high-profile crimes. Since the 1970s the sexual abuse of girls and child molestation has increasingly been recognized as deeply damaging to children and thus unacceptable for society as a whole. The current study is aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of STP in prevention of sexual abuse among adolescent girls. Methods: A true experimental pre-test post-test design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding sexual abuse and its preventive measures among adolescent girls studying in selected high school at Nelamangala, Karnataka. Systematic random sampling method was used for the selection of 100 samples, 50 for experimental group and 50 for control group. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used to collect the data. The data obtained was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics in terms of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired and unpaired ‘t’ test, and Chi-square test. Results: The major findings of the study are Knowledge of adolescent girls regarding sexual abuse and its preventive measures was less than 50% before the administration of STP and it was more than 80% after the administration of STP. The overall knowledge score of the groups after the post test was tested using statistical Independent ‘t’ test. Control group’s mean percentage knowledge was 51.00% as compared to 86.13% knowledge of experimental group. Hence the Structured Teaching Programme was found effective in improving the knowledge of adolescent girls regarding sexual abuse and its preventive measures. Recommendations: Based on the study findings, it is recommended that the same type of study can be replicated on large sample and comparative study and study with different preventive strategies can be conducted.. Keywords: Sexual abuse, structured

Key words: Sexual Abuse, Structured Teaching Programme (STP), Adolescent Girls.

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